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How to select a dog breed

Apr 8

I am a long-time dog owner who "accidentally" ended up with a mixed breed dog.

While I love my dog, she is not as easy to take care of as she might have been having I got the breed that was right for me. She sheds hair constantly, she barks when I leave her alone and she has chewed through more shoes than I can count (not to mention other household items).

There are so many dog breeds to choose from. I know that if I had taken the time to research and learn about each breed, I would have been able to pick a breed that would be perfect for me. This is why every year people end up in shelters because they didn't research their dog choice and weren't prepared for certain aspects of their new pet.

I'm not saying that you need an expert trainer or even a professional behaviorist. These days, the Internet can give you all the information related to your potential or future pet's needs, but make sure it's true and correct! And remember: when in doubt - ask! There are also already established clubs where experienced dog owners can answer your questions, share their knowledge

So, what do you need to consider before picking out your next family four-legged member? Read on.

1. What do you need?

Make a list of your family's needs for a dog. Is it protection? Companionship? A big, beautiful canine to watch over your children during play dates at the park? There are dogs that can help with all of these different things, but some breeds are better for certain tasks than others. If you want a dog that will protect your home and kids, then perhaps a Rottweiler or German Shepherd is right for you! On the other hand, if you desire only companionship and little attention from your pet, get an older poodle or small terrier instead. Knowing what you need before walking into the shelter or breeder's office, will save both you and the dog a lot of time and effort.

2. What do you like?

Just as important as what you need from your future canine friend is what you want out of him or her. Do you want a big, burly dog with thick fur that will keep you warm on those cold winter nights? Then perhaps a Saint Bernard or Alaskan Malamute would be the perfect choice for you! Are you more interested in an exotic-looking canine that will be great with children and small animals? The Chihuahua might be just the breed for you then! Knowing what pleases and interests you first, will save everyone involved a lot of headaches down the road.

3. Don't forget about personality.

Be honest with yourself and your family about what personality traits would work best in the household. If you have a child who has disabilities or takes medication that requires them to be separated from animals, then perhaps getting a pet that cannot be around such things is for the best. Likewise, if you live an extremely busy lifestyle where your dog will need lots of playtime and attention, then finding one that thrives on stimulating tasks and plenty of physical exercises might help avoid future problems. Knowing beforehand what kind of disposition your new companion will need to possess can make all the difference in their happiness as well as yours.

4. What's your budget?

Before going out and getting a dog, you need to know what kind of financial situation you are in. This is not just about how much you can spend on a new pet, but also whether or not they will be spayed/neutered as well as vaccinated. Getting only the necessities for an animal is perfectly fine, but allowing them to breed indiscriminately can lead to overcrowding at local shelters as well as more animals without homes later on down the road. Knowing beforehand what you can afford (in terms of money and time) will keep everyone happy and safe during this process!

5. Be patient!

Just like humans, every dog has their own personality and instincts that it can't always immediately display. You have to be patient with them while they are acclimating to their new home, but also allow them to show you what kind of pet they are going to be before deciding if you want to keep them around or not. This is why it is so important that both the humans and the dogs themselves have patience during this time because it could spell disaster for everyone involved otherwise.

Knowing ahead of time what you need, want, and how much money you can spend on a dog will help you get the perfect match for your family. Take your time with the process of finding the right canine companion for everyone involved, and remember to have plenty of patience while doing so!

If you are new to the world of dogs and want to know what they need to look out for before bringing one home. This will not only help with finding the perfect dog, but it will also keep everyone (humans and canines alike) safe during this process as well! It is important that every person knows their own needs, likes, personality traits, budget limitations, time constraints, and patience levels before getting a dog because it could end up causing frustration for all involved if they were not considered beforehand. Luckily these guidelines are easy to follow and can help everyone come together with the perfect pet for their family!