Red Sea Coral DipX
A dip in DipX is a new product which is ideal to use before placing new corals and live rocks into your aquarium will help you avoid introducing unwanted hitchhikers.
This product is available from Delta Aquatics
A new coral may have a lot of unwanted hitchhikers hiding deep inside its crevices. These creatures can travel to other corals and damage your reef ecosystem if you don’t drive them away first. DipX is designed specifically for safely introducing new corals into an aquarium by driving these small, yet destructive organisms out from the inside-out before they cause any long term harm in the tank itself.
For the past few years, Red Sea have been cultivating infested corals and comparing a wide range of commercially available dips and other repelling ingredients. We examined both their effectiveness and overall safety for the corals while exploring many options to find what works best.
DipX is a new blend of essential oils that doesn’t use inorganic disinfectants. Our tests have shown DipX to be completely safe for corals and more effective than other solutions we’ve tested before.